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GGS S2 Glass Screen Protector for Sony A6400/A6000/A6300/A5000/A5100/A6100/A6600
GGS S2 Glass Screen Protector for Sony A6400/A6000/A6300/A5000/A5100/A6100/A6600

GGS Screen Protector S2 for Sony Overview

Sony A6400/A6000/A6300/A5000/A5100/A6100/A6600

  • Automatic installation activated by touch
  • Impact resistant and shatter proof
  • Adhesive free
  • Anti glare
  • Smudge resistant
  • Touch and Swivel screen compatible
  • No glue residue after removal
  • Frame design
IDR 175.000
Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Body Only (Black)
Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Body Only (Black)

Sony A6400 Overview

Key Features

  • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
  • BIONZ X Image Processor
  • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
  • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
  • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
  • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
  • S&Q Motion in Full HD from 1-120 fps
  • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
  • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
  • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400

Grab the Best of Life

Menghadirkan desain yang andal dan performa yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, Sony a6400 adalah kamera mirrorless format APS-C ramping yang dilengkapi dengan baik- kemampuan foto dan video bulat. Menggunakan desain sensor yang telah terbukti, performa AF yang cepat dan presisi, serta pengoperasian yang cerdas, kamera ini adalah mitra ideal untuk mengabadikan momen sehari-hari dan pengalaman sekali seumur hidup Anda.

24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

Sensor Exmor CMOS 24,2MP format APS-C menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang halus dan bernuansa dengan noise minimal dan sensitivitas tinggi dari ISO 100-32000, yang selanjutnya dapat diperluas ke ISO 102400 untuk bekerja dalam kondisi cahaya rendah. Sensor ini memiliki desain unik yang memanfaatkan kabel tembaga tipis, pemrosesan sirkuit yang ditingkatkan, dan LSI front-end yang ditingkatkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengumpulan cahaya, mengurangi kebisingan, dan meningkatkan kecepatan pembacaan untuk memanfaatkan perekaman video. Kombinasi sensor dan prosesor BIONZ X juga menyediakan kecepatan pengambilan gambar kontinu tertinggi sebesar 11 fps dengan AF dan AE, atau hingga 8 fps dengan rana senyap, dan memungkinkan output file mentah 14-bit untuk skala nada dan warna yang lebar.

UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format

  • Perekaman internal video UHD 4K dimungkinkan dalam beberapa kecepatan bingkai hingga 30 fps menggunakan sensor lebar penuh dengan pengambilan sampel warna 8-bit 4:2:0 menggunakan codec XAVC S 100Mbps.
  • Perekaman 4K dengan sampel berlebih juga dimungkinkan, yang menggunakan area pengambilan 6K dalam area Super 35, untuk detail yang lebih baik. Pembacaan piksel penuh ini tidak memerlukan pixel binning untuk citra berkualitas lebih tinggi dengan pengurangan moiré dan aliasing.
  • Memberikan kontrol warna dan gamma ekstensif yang dapat disesuaikan, ZV-E10 memungkinkan pengguna menyesuaikan gamma, tingkat hitam, batas, tingkat warna, dan banyak lagi. Gunakan Kurva Gamma S-Log2 yang sama seperti yang ditemukan pada kamera Sony Cinema kelas atas, yang memasukkan rentang dinamis hingga 1300% lebih banyak ke dalam sinyal video dibandingkan Rec. 709, untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas pasca produksi. Dukungan HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) juga tersedia, bersama dengan ruang warna BT.2020, untuk perekaman dalam gamut warna yang lebar dan, selain S-Log2, S-Log3 juga tersedia untuk menghasilkan 14-stop yang efektif rentang dinamis dengan peningkatan kontrol gradasi pada area bayangan hingga rona tengah pada gambar.
  • Selain perekaman internal resolusi tinggi, output HDMI yang tidak terkompresi juga memungkinkan penggunaan perekam eksternal opsional untuk perekaman 4K yang bersih dengan pengambilan sampel 4:2:2.

  • Mode pengambilan gambar interval sangat ideal untuk membuat film selang waktu dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Imaging Edge. Interval dapat dipilih antara 1-60 detik untuk merekam hingga 9999 frame berurutan.
  • Perekaman video 4K juga menyediakan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan gambar diam 8MP selama pemutaran dengan mengambil bingkai dari film dan menyimpannya sebagai file terpisah.
  • Lambat & Mode Cepat (S&Q) memungkinkan penembak merekam video Full HD pada langkah tertentu antara 1-120 fps. Pengaturan ini memungkinkan Anda memperlambat aksi serta mempercepat adegan yang bergerak lambat.



Mencakup hampir seluruh area sensor, sistem FOKUS 4D yang kuat menggabungkan 425 titik deteksi fase pada chip bersama dengan 425 area deteksi kontras untuk pemfokusan presisi hanya dalam 0,02 detik. Kepadatan titik fokus dari sistem AF hybrid ini juga memungkinkan Teknologi High-density Tracking AF yang mahir melacak subjek bergerak dalam berbagai kondisi pencahayaan.

  • Eye AF Real-time dapat digunakan untuk mendasarkan fokus pada subjek manusia yang dikenali. mata untuk potret dan tersedia dalam mode AF-S dan AF-C serta untuk gambar diam dan video.
  • Eye AF juga dapat digunakan saat memotret subjek hewan, dengan mode pemfokusan apa pun saat memotret gambar diam.


  • Lock-on AF mempertahankan fokus pada subjek bergerak selama penggunaan bingkai yang dapat dikonfigurasi dan diatur pada subjek bergerak yang diinginkan
  • Perluas Tempat Fleksibel menggunakan titik fokus di dekatnya untuk mempertahankan fokus pada subjek bergerak meskipun titik yang dipilih semula kehilangan fokus
  • Fungsi Kaca Pembesar Fokus dapat digunakan untuk fokus kritis ketika melihat detail subjek yang sangat kecil
  • Layar sentuh belakang dapat digunakan untuk kontrol Fokus Sentuh dan Pelacakan Sentuh dan mode Kontrol Fokus Touchpad memungkinkan Anda menggunakan layar belakang secara intuitif sambil tetap memperhatikan jendela bidik
  • Selain fokus otomatis, a6400 juga dilengkapi fungsi Peaking MF untuk memanfaatkan kontrol fokus manual dengan menyoroti tepi kontras yang tajam untuk cara yang lebih obyektif dalam memperoleh fokus yang tajam.

Body Design and Connectivity


  • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
  • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
  • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.


  • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
  • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
  • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
  • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
  • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.
    IDR 13.199.000IDR 11.199.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Lens (Black)
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Lens (Black)

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sony a6400 Mirrorless Camera

    Grab the Best of Life

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format

    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.
    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS

    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.
    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity

    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.
    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.
    IDR 15.199.000IDR 13.199.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Lens (Silver)
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Lens (Silver)

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sony a6400 Mirrorless Camera

    Grab the Best of Life

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format

    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.
    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS

    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.
    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity

    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.
    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.
    IDR 15.199.000IDR 13.199.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Silver With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Silver With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
    •  E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format

    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.
    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS

    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.
    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity

    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.
    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.
    IDR 22.798.000IDR 20.199.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Silver With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Silver With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
    • E 15mm f1.4 G Lens

    Sony a6400 Mirrorless Camera

    Grab the Best of Life

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format

    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.
    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS

    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.
    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity

    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.
    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.
    IDR 26.198.000IDR 22.699.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Black With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Black With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sony a6400 Mirrorless Camera

    Grab the Best of Life

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format


    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.


    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS


    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.


    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity


    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.


    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.

    Sony E 11mm f/1.8 Overview

    Key Features

    • E-Mount Lens/APS-C Format
    • 16.5mm (35mm Equivalent)
    • Aperture Range: f/1.8 to f/16
    • Dual Linear AF Motors; Internal Focus
    • Min. Focusing Distance: 4.7"
    • Suppressed Focus Breathing
    • Dust- and Moisture-Resistant Design
    • Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm
    IDR 22.798.000IDR 20.199.000
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm  Black With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens
    Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera with 16-50mm Black With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens

    Sony A6400 Overview

    Key Features

    • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
    • BIONZ X Image Processor
    • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
    • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
    • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
    • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
    • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
    • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
    • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400
    • E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sony a6400 Mirrorless Camera

    Grab the Best of Life

    Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

    The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

    UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format


    • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
    • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
    • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
    • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.


    • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
    • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
    • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

    4D FOCUS


    Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

    • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
    • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.


    • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
    • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
    • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
    • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
    • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

    Body Design and Connectivity


    • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
    • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
    • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.


    • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
    • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
    • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
    • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
    • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

    Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens

    Sleek and Retractable Standard Zoom

    An ideal companion for your compact, APS-C mirrorless camera, the E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony offers a versatile equivalent zoom range of 24-75mm as well as a retractable design that makes your system much more manageable when not in use. The useful focal length range and portable form factor make this a go-to lens when traveling or for everyday general shooting needs.

    Form Factor and Optical Design

    • A variable aperture of f/3.5-5.6 helps keep the lens' overall size and weight to a minimum.
    • Due to a retractable design, this lens can be made to be extremely compact when not in use.
    • One extra-low dispersion glass element is featured in the lens design to help reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality.
    • Four aspherical elements are incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations.
    • Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

    Power Zoom, Image Stabilization, and AF

    • Power Zoom mechanism enables making smooth zoom movements, suitable for video recording, via the on-lens switch or via camera-based controls on select camera bodies.
    • Optical SteadyShot image stabilization helps to minimize the appearance of camera shake for sharper imagery when shooting handheld with slower shutter speeds. This stabilization system can also be combined with select camera's sensor-shift type image stabilization for more effective control of camera blur.
    • An internal focus design contributes to fast autofocus speeds and the minimum focus distance is just 9.8", suiting working with close-up subjects.

    Sony E 15mm f/1.4 G Overview

      Key Features

      • E-Mount Lens/APS-C Format
      • 22.5mm (35mm Equivalent)
      • Aperture Range: f/1.4 to f/16
      • Super ED, ED, and Aspherical Elements
      • Dual Linear AF Motors; Internal Focus
      • Min. Focusing Distance: 6.7"
      • Suppressed Focus Breathing
      • Dust- and Moisture-Resistant Design
      • Physical Aperture Ring; De-Click Switch
      • Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm
      IDR 26.198.000IDR 22.699.000
      Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Black With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens
      Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Black With Sony E 11mm f1.8 Mirrorless Lens

      Sony A6400 Overview

      Key Features

      • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
      • BIONZ X Image Processor
      • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
      • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
      • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
      • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
      • S&Q Motion in Full HD from 1-120 fps
      • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
      • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
      • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400

      Grab the Best of Life

      Featuring a reliable design and apt performance to bolster creativity, the Sony a6400 is a sleek APS-C-format mirrorless camera featuring well-rounded photo and video capabilities. Using a proven sensor design, quick and precise AF performance, and smart operability, this camera is an ideal partner for capturing your everyday moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.


      24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

      The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

      UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format


      • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
      • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
      • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
      • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.


      • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
      • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
      • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

      4D FOCUS


      Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

      • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
      • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.


      • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
      • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
      • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
      • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
      • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

      Body Design and Connectivity


      • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
      • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
      • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.


      • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
      • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
      • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
      • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
      • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

      Sony E 11mm f/1.8 Overview

      Key Features

      • E-Mount Lens/APS-C Format
      • 16.5mm (35mm Equivalent)
      • Aperture Range: f/1.8 to f/16
      • Dual Linear AF Motors; Internal Focus
      • Min. Focusing Distance: 4.7"
      • Suppressed Focus Breathing
      • Dust- and Moisture-Resistant Design
      • Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm


            IDR 20.798.000IDR 18.199.000
            Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Black With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens
            Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Digital Camera Black With Sony E 15mm f1.4 G Mirrorless Lens

            Sony A6400 Overview

            Key Features

            • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor
            • BIONZ X Image Processor
            • Real-Time Eye AF & Real-Time Tracking
            • XGA Tru-Finder 2.36m-Dot OLED EVF
            • 3.0" 921.6k-Dot 180° Tilting Touchscreen
            • Internal UHD 4K Video, S-Log3, and HLG
            • S&Q Motion in Full HD from 1-120 fps
            • Built-In Wi-Fi with NFC
            • 425 Phase- & Contrast-Detect AF Points
            • Up to 11 fps Shooting and ISO 102400

            24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Processor

            The APS-C-format 24.2MP Exmor CMOS sensor realizes smooth, nuanced image quality with minimal noise and high sensitivity from ISO 100-32000, which can further be expanded to ISO 102400 for working in low-light conditions. The sensor features a unique design that utilizes thin copper wiring, enhanced circuit processing, and an enhanced front-end LSI to boost light-gathering abilities, reduce noise, and increase readout speeds to benefit video recording. The sensor and BIONZ X processor combination also avails a top continuous-shooting rate of 11 fps with AF and AE, or up to 8 fps with a silent shutter, and permits 14-bit raw file output for a wide tonal and color scale.

            UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format


            • Internal recording of UHD 4K video is possible in multiple frame rates up to 30 fps using the full width of the sensor with 8-bit 4:2:0 color sampling using the 100Mbps XAVC S codec.
            • Oversampled 4K recording is also possible, which uses a 6K capture area within the Super 35 area, for greater detail. This full pixel readout is void of pixel binning for higher quality imagery with reduced moiré and aliasing.
            • Affording extensive customizable color and gamma controls, the ZV-E10 allows users to adjust the gamma, black level, knee, color level, and more. Use the same S-Log2 Gamma Curve that is found on high-end Sony Cinema cameras, which squeezes up to 1300% more dynamic range into the video signal then traditional Rec. 709, for increased post-production flexibility. HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) support is also available, along with the BT.2020 color space, for recording within a wide color gamut and, in addition to S-Log2, S-Log3 is also available for producing an effective 14-stop dynamic range with increased grading control in the shadow to mid-tone regions of the image.
            • In addition to high-resolution internal recording, uncompressed HDMI output also enables the use of an optional external recorder for clean 4K recording with 4:2:2 sampling.


            • Interval shooting mode is ideal for creating time-lapse movies with the aid of Imaging Edge software. Intervals can be selected between 1-60 seconds for recording up to 9999 sequential frames.
            • 4K video recording also avails the ability to produce 8MP stills during playback by taking a frame grab from a movie and storing it as a separate file.
            • Slow & Quick (S&Q) mode allows shooters to capture Full HD video at specified steps between 1-120 fps. These settings will allow you to slow down action as well as speed up a slow-moving scene.

            4D FOCUS


            Covering nearly the entire sensor area, a powerful 4D FOCUS system incorporates 425 on-chip phase-detection points along with 425 contrast-detection areas for precise focusing in as little as 0.02 seconds. The density of focusing points from this hybrid AF system also enables High-density Tracking AF Technology, which is adept at tracking moving subjects in a variety of lighting conditions.

            • Real-time Eye AF can be used to base focus on recognized human subjects' eyes for portraits and is available in both AF-S and AF-C modes and for both stills and video.
            • Eye AF can be used when photographing animal subjects, too, with any focusing mode when shooting stills.


            • Lock-on AF maintains focus on moving subjects throughout the use of a configurable frame that is set over the desired moving subject
            • Expand Flexible Spot employs neighboring focus points to retain focus on moving subjects even if the originally selected point loses focus
            • The Focus Magnifier function can be used for critical focus when homing in on minute subject details
            • Rear touchscreen can be used for Touch Focus and Touch Tracking control and a Touchpad Focus Control mode lets you use the rear screen intuitively while keeping your eye to the viewfinder
            • In addition to autofocus, the a6400 also features a Peaking MF function to benefit manual focus control by highlighted sharp edges of contrast for a more objective means of acquiring sharp focus

            Body Design and Connectivity


            • Tru-Finder 2.36m-dot OLED electronic viewfinder offers a bright, high-resolution means for eye-level monitoring.
            • A 3.0" 921.6k-dot LCD touchscreen can be tilted 180° upward or 74° downward to suit working from high and low angles. The screen also incorporates White Magic technology with an RGBW pixel structure for increased brightness to support use in daylight conditions.
            • The touchscreen design avails access to Touch Focus control, for immediate focus point selection, as well as a Touchpad function which lets you smoothly and intuitively select a focus point on the screen while you're looking into the viewfinder.


            • Integrated 3.5mm microphone ports afford greater control over audio during video recording.
            • The included NP-FW50 rechargeable lithium-ion is rated for approximately 410 shots per charge when working with the LCD screen or 360 shots when using the viewfinder.
            • In addition to the battery, the a6400 can also be powered via a USB connection to a computer or mobile battery. This connection can also be used to charge the battery.
            • Built-in Wi-Fi enables the a6400 to instantly share imagery to mobile devices for direct sharing online to social networking, via email, and to cloud storage sites. NFC (Near Field Communication) is also supported, which allows for one-touch connection between the camera and compatible mobile devices; no complex set-up is required. Once connected, the linked mobile device can also display a live view image on its screen and remotely control the camera's shutter.
            • Bluetooth connectivity allows for location data acquisition.

            Sony E 15mm f/1.4 G Overview

            Key Features

            • E-Mount Lens/APS-C Format
            • 22.5mm (35mm Equivalent)
            • Aperture Range: f/1.4 to f/16
            • Super ED, ED, and Aspherical Elements
            • Dual Linear AF Motors; Internal Focus
            • Min. Focusing Distance: 6.7"
            • Suppressed Focus Breathing
            • Dust- and Moisture-Resistant Design
            • Physical Aperture Ring; De-Click Switch
            • Rounded 7-Blade Diaphragm

            Ultra-Fast, Ultra-Compact

            Sony's fastest APS-C lens, the E 15mm f/1.4 G is a bright, wide-angle 22.5mm-equivalent prime featuring advanced G Series optics and a sleek design that's ideal for travel, landscapes, and walkaround shooting. In addition to prioritizing image quality and speed, this lens also features an intuitive-to-handle design and smooth focusing performance that suits vlogging and video recording applications.


                  IDR 24.198.000IDR 20.699.000
                  Avangarde FW-50 Dummy Battery DC Coupler Power Adapter
                  Avangarde FW-50 Dummy Battery DC Coupler Power Adapter

                  Avangarde FW-50 Power Adapter untuk kamera sony

                  This DC Coupler kits works well for below cameras:

                  Kompatibel untuk kamera sony pada list berikut:
                  Alpha NEX-F3, Sony NEX-F3
                  Alpha NEX-6, Sony NEX-6
                  Alpha NEX-5R, Sony NEX-5R
                  Alpha NEX-5T, Sony NEX-5T
                  Alpha NEX-3, Sony NEX3
                  Alpha NEX-3N, Sony NEX3N, Sony NEX-3N
                  Alpha NEX-5, Sony NEX5
                  Alpha NEX-5N, Sony NEX5N
                  Alpha NEX-C3, Sony NEXC3
                  Alpha NEX-C5, Sony NEXC5
                  Alpha NEX-7, Sony NEX7
                  Alpha SLT-A33, SLTA33
                  Alpha SLT-A37, SLTA37
                  Alpha SLT-A55, SLTA55
                  Alpha A3000, Sony A3000
                  Alpha A3500, Sony A3500
                  Alpha A5000, Sony A5000
                  Alpha A5100, Sony A5100
                  Alpha A6000, Sony A6000
                  Alpha A6300, Sony A6300
                  Alpha A6400, Sony A6400
                  Alpha A6500, Sony A6500
                  Alpha A6100
                  ƒŽ‚±7, Sony Alpha 7, Sony a7 II
                  Cybershot DSC-RX10, DSCRX10, RX10
                  Cybershot DSC-RX10 II, DSCRX10II, RX10 II
                  Cybershot DSC-RX10 III, DSCRX10III, RX10 III
                  ILCE-QX1, QX1


                  IDR 357.000IDR 331.000
                  Leofoto LPS-A6500 L-Plate for Sony a6500
                  Leofoto LPS-A6500 L-Plate for Sony a6500

                  Leofoto LPS-A6500 L-Plate for Sony a6500

                  Securely attach your Sony A6500 system camera onto a tripod quickly with the LPS-A6500 into both landscape and portrait positions.This robust L-plate supports the entire bottom plate of the camera and offers extra protection against impact when using the camera thanks To thickening under the handle.


                  • Sony Alpha A6400
                  • Sony Alpha 6500
                  • Sony Alpha 6600
                  IDR 580.000
                  Godox MF-R76S+ Dental Ring Flash for Sony
                  Godox MF-R76S+ Dental Ring Flash for Sony

                  Godox MF-R76S Overview

                  Key Features

                  • Optimized for Dental Photography
                  • Compatible with Sony TTL
                  • Works with 2.4 GHz Wireless System
                  • Includes Ring Flash and Control Unit
                  • Includes Rechargeable Lithium Battery
                  • Includes Eight Lens Adapter Rings

                  Compatible with Sony TTL and optimized for dental photography, the MF-R76S+ Dental Macro Ring Flash from Godox delivers an adjusted, improved performance for dental shootings. It illuminates teeth in every direction with a soft and even light, eliminating unwanted vignetting and shadows. The ring light consists of two components: a controller that slips into your camera's hot shoe, and the ring flash, which mounts on your lens. Godox includes 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 67, 72, and 77mm adapter rings to ensure wide compatibility with most lenses. With a guide number of 45.9' at ISO 100, the MF-R76S+ provides detailed, wrap-around lighting for your close-ups.

                  Adding to the unit's versatility, the MF-R76S+ offers TTL and manual modes combined with HSS, first, and second curtain sync capabilities. Besides that, two focus-assist lamps with 10 adjustable levels of power ratio are useful for low light scenes. The control unit powers the system via an included rechargeable lithium battery to ensure long-lasting shoots, giving you up to full-power 550 flashes. A large panel conveniently displays flash settings for easy navigation and control. Godox also supplies a charger, a USB-C cable, and a storage bag.

                  Practical Dental Photography Guide

                  For best results taking dental photographs, your camera should be set to manual exposure mode with a shutter speed of 1/200s at ISO 100. Godox also recommends a distance of 5' between the shooter and the subject. Additionally, setting your lens to manual focus is suggested. The MF-R76S+ will help you to capture images at different stages of the dental treatment to easily compare the patient's progress.


                  • Easy-to-use interface
                  • Supports TTL, improving your shooting efficiency
                  • Recycles in 0.1 to 1 second
                  • Accurate power adjustment from 1/1 full power to 1/256 in 1/3 increments per stop
                  • Equipped with 2.4 GHz wireless transmission, it works as a transmitter or receiver unit

                  Compatible Sony Cameras

                  • a6400, a6000, a9, a7R, a7R II, a7R III, a7R IV, a7R V, DSC-RX100, a7 III, a7 IV, a7C, and ZV-E10
                  IDR 3.321.000
                  FALCAM Rotating Ring for Horizontal and Vertical Shooting (FOR SONY) 3304
                  FALCAM Rotating Ring for Horizontal and Vertical Shooting (FOR SONY) 3304

                  Falcam 3304 Overview

                  Key Features

                  • Fast 90° Horizontal-to-Vertical Setup
                  • Rotating Circular Mount Around Lens
                  • Multi-Purpose Mounts for F22, F38 & F50
                  • Arca-Type and DJI Mount Compatible
                  • Removable Swivel Ring
                  • Durable Aluminum Construction

                  Add a fast-switch vertical-to-horizontal mounting option to your camera rig with this Horizontal-to-Vertical QR Half Cage from Falcam. This handy aluminum half-cage rig mounts onto any Falcam F22, F38, or F50 receiver and it is compatible with DJI Arca-type quick release and standard Arca-type quick release rigs.

                  The integrated ring secures around compatible Sony E lenses and it allows you to quickly rotate the camera 90° to move from horizontal to vertical shooting in seconds. The swivel ring is removable so you can use the mount without rotation. The camera mounting plate features a 1/4"-20 camera screw and rubber padding to protect your camera.

                  Compatible Cameras

                  Sony FX3, FX30, a7R V, a7 IV, a7R IV, ZVE-10, a6400, and other Sony E-mount cameras

                  Compatible Lenses

                  Sony E 10-18mm f/4 OSS, FE 12-24mm f/2.8 GM, FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM, FE 16-35mm f/4 G, E 16-55mm f/2.8 G, E PZ 18-105mm f/4 G OSS, E 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS, FE 20-70mm f/4 G, E 16-70mm f/4 ZA OSS, FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM II, FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS, E 11mm f/1.8, FE 20mm f/1.8 G, FE 24mm f1.4 GM, E 30mm f/3.5 Macro, Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 ZA, FE 35mm f/1.8, E 35mm f/1.8 OSS, Sonnar T* FE 35mm f/2.8 ZA, FE 50mm f/1.4 GM, FE 50mm f/1.8, E 50mm f/1.8 OSS, Sonnar T* FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA, FE 85mm f/1.8, and more

                  Incompatible Lenses

                  These lenses do not work with this half-cage: Sony E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS, FE 24mm f/2.8 G, FE 40mm f/2.5 G, and FE 50mm f/2.5 G.

                  Contact Falcam for updated compatibility

                      IDR 1.119.000
                      Larmor Screen Protector for Sony A5000/A5100/A6000/A6300/A6400
                      Larmor Screen Protector for Sony A5000/A5100/A6000/A6300/A6400

                      Larmor for Sony A6000/A6300/A5000/A5100 Screen Protector


                      • Automatic installation activated by touch
                      • Impact resistant and shatter proof
                      • Adhesive free
                      • Anti glare
                      • Smudge resistant
                      • Touch and Swivel screen compatible
                      • No glue residue after removal
                      • Frame design


                      IDR 175.000
                      Last Stock
                      Godox MF12-DK2 Dental Macro Flash Kit for Sony Cameras
                      Godox MF12-DK2 Dental Macro Flash Kit for Sony Cameras

                      Godox MF12 Overview

                      Key Features

                      • Optimized for Dental Photography
                      • TTL/Manual Flash Modes
                      • Guide Number: 16'
                      • Power Ratio: 1/128 - 1/1
                      • Recycling Time: 0.01 to 1.7 Seconds
                      • Operates on 2.4 GHz Frequencies
                      • Includes Bracket & Diffusers
                      • Built-In Rechargeable Lithium Battery
                      • 500 Full-Power Flashes on Full Charge
                      • USB-C Port for Charging

                      Optimized for close-up dental photography, the MF12 Dental Macro Flash with Bracket Kit for Sony Cameras from Godox makes macro photography easy. This kit includes two flash heads that enable you to shoot teeth at an extremely close distance when using Sony cameras. The bundle is packed with multiple mounting options and two dedicated silicon diffusers. The MF12 flashes can be mounted on the included flash stands and feature an adjustable head for quick positioning. For added versatility, both flashes can be mounted simultaneously to the included dental bracket, specifically designed for improved dental work. As an off-camera TTL flash, the MF12 can work with the also included Godox XPro II wireless flash trigger. Featuring an optical lens, the MF12 provides soft, even light distribution.

                      Practical Dental Photography Guide

                      For best results taking dental photographs, your camera should be set to manual exposure mode with a shutter speed of 1/200s at ISO 100. Godox also recommends the use of the included dental bracket to easily move the light closer to the subject. The dental version of the MF12 flash will help you to capture images at different stages of the dental treatment to easily compare the patient's progress.

                      2.4 GHz Wireless Control

                      2.4 GHz wireless technology enables long-distance transmission, adding more flexibility to your shooting. Additionally, 5 groups with 32 channels each help to prevent interference and disturbance when several wireless systems are working close to each other.

                      Compact Design

                      The MF12 Dental Macro Flash is optimized for close-up dental photography due to its compact design and unique ability to be mounted directly to a lens via an optional adapter or placed around the subject with the included flash stand or included bracket. Also, its size and wireless capabilities make it a good option for general photography as well.

                      Rechargeable High-Performance Battery

                      The powerful built-in lithium battery supports approximately 500 full-power flashes with a 0.01 to 1.7 second recycling time. The battery is also easily rechargeable through an included USB-C cable.


                      Godox has developed the MF12 dental flash system to work seamlessly with Sony cameras such as the a6400, a7 IV, a7R V, and ZV-E10 models.

                      Additional Benefits

                      • Easy-to-use interface
                      • Battery fully recharges in 55 minutes
                      • Optical mode offers S1 and S2 settings
                      • LED modeling lamp
                      • Clear OLED display
                      • Includes storage case for protection and portability
                      IDR 5.510.000
                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip with Wireless Remote Commander
                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip with Wireless Remote Commander

                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Overview

                      Key Features

                      • For Select Sony Cameras with Bluetooth
                      • Wireless Camera Control
                      • Larger Grip with Integrated Controls
                      • Converts to Tabletop Tripod
                      • Integrated Shutter/Record and C1 Buttons
                      • Zoom Toggle Switch
                      • +80°/-90° Tilting & 360° Rotating Head
                      • Camera Attaches 1/4"-20 Mount
                      • Weather-Sealed Construction

                      Helping to improve shooting stability, the Sony GP-VPT2BT Wireless Shooting Grip is a convenient tool that serves as both a larger grip for handheld shooting as well as a sleek tabletop tripod. Compatible with select Sony cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity, this grip offers wireless control over select shooting controls, via built-in shutter release and video record buttons, a zoom rocker switch, and a customizable C1 button. Beyond serving as just an accessory grip, the grip itself can be splayed into three legs and function as a tripod for hands-free shooting. The integrated head can tilt upward 80° (40° when setup as a tripod), downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Additionally, the grip is dust and moisture-resistant to suit its use with select weather-sealed cameras.

                      Camera Compatibility

                      • a9 II, a7R IV, a6600, a6100, RX100 VII, ZV-1
                      • a9, a7R III, a7 III, a6400, RX0 II compatible once updated to latest firmware
                      IDR 1.749.000
                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip with Wireless Remote Commander White
                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Shooting Grip with Wireless Remote Commander White

                      Sony GP-VPT2BT Overview

                      Key Features

                      • For Select Sony Cameras with Bluetooth
                      • Wireless Camera Control
                      • Larger Grip with Integrated Controls
                      • Converts to Tabletop Tripod
                      • Integrated Shutter/Record and C1 Buttons
                      • Zoom Toggle Switch
                      • +80°/-90° Tilting & 360° Rotating Head
                      • Camera Attaches 1/4"-20 Mount
                      • Weather-Sealed Construction

                      Helping to improve shooting stability, the Sony GP-VPT2BT Wireless Shooting Grip is a convenient tool that serves as both a larger grip for handheld shooting as well as a sleek tabletop tripod. Compatible with select Sony cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity, this grip offers wireless control over select shooting controls, via built-in shutter release and video record buttons, a zoom rocker switch, and a customizable C1 button. Beyond serving as just an accessory grip, the grip itself can be splayed into three legs and function as a tripod for hands-free shooting. The integrated head can tilt upward 80° (40° when setup as a tripod), downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Additionally, the grip is dust and moisture-resistant to suit its use with select weather-sealed cameras.

                      Camera Compatibility

                      • a9 II, a7R IV, a6600, a6100, RX100 VII, ZV-1
                      • a9, a7R III, a7 III, a6400, RX0 II compatible once updated to latest firmware
                      IDR 1.749.000
                      Pre Order
                      TTArtisan AF 75mm F2 For Sony E
                      TTArtisan AF 75mm F2 For Sony E

                      TTArtisan AF 75mm F2 For Sony E

                      Key feature

                        • Full Frame
                        • F2 Large Aperture
                        • Stepper Motor Fast Autofocus
                        • Lightweight Design
                        • Clicked  Aperture Ring
                        • Comes with a Lens Hood
                        • Supports AF Detection
                        • Metal Body
                        • Comes with a Lens Hood
                        • Interface for Firmware Upgrade

                        TTArtisa new AF 75mm F2 full-frame autofocus lens, which has Sony E mounts, 7 groups of 10 structured apertures, 9 aperture blades, a minimum focusing distance of 0.75 meters, a 62mm filter interface, and weighs about 330-340g.This new lens is TTArtisan’s second full-frame autofocus lens product.

                        Application Model

                        SONY E-mount

                        A7、A7ll(A7M2)、A7lll(A7M3)、A7lV(A7M4)、A7R、A7Rll(A7RM2)  、A7Rlll(A7RM3)  、A7RlV(A7RM4)、A7RV(A7RM5)、A7S、A7SII(A7SM2) 、A7SIII(A7SM3)、A7C、A9、A9II、A9III、A1、ZV-E1、A7C2、A7CR
                        Note: This lens does not support AF-C (continuous autofocus) on the ILCE-3000 and ILCE-3500.

                        IDR 3.999.000
                        Paket Avangarde NP-F Adapter + DR-FZ100
                        Paket Avangarde NP-F Adapter + DR-FZ100

                        Avangarde NP-F Adapter + DR-FZ100

                        Key Features

                        • Powers Camera or Accessory from Monitor
                        • For Select Sony Cameras
                        • For Select Avangarde On-Camera Monitors

                        The NP-FZ100 Dummy Battery Adapter from Avangarde is designed for powering select Sony cameras or compatible accessories from the power output on select Avangarde on-camera monitors.

                        Compatible with:
                        Battery: Sony NP-F970, F960, F770, F750, F570, F550 battery
                        Sony NEX 5 series(Alpha NEX-5, Alpha NEX-5A, Alpha NEX-5C, Alpha NEX-5CA, Alpha NEX-5CD, Alpha NEX-5D, Alpha NEX-5H, Alpha –NEX-5CH, Alpha NEX-5K) NEX 7 series
                        DSC-RX10, DSCRX10/B, WW808143
                        A7(Alpha a7, a7R, ILCE7/B, ILCE7K/B, ILCE7R/B, ILCE-7, ILCE-7R) A7II/A7RII/A7SII,A6000/A6300//A6400/A6500,A5000/A5100

                        IDR 399.000