Key Features
A New Dimension of Image Performance
Mengklaim gelar kamera mirrorless shutter global pertama di dunia, Sony a9 III adalah kamera yang cepat dan berkemampuan luar biasa sistem untuk olahraga, satwa liar, jurnalisme foto, dan masih banyak lagi. Teknologi sensor revolusioner ini meningkatkan standar pencitraan full-frame, termasuk kemampuan memotret mentah secara terus menerus hingga 120 fps dan menikmati sinkronisasi flash hingga kecepatan rana maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Memadukan fungsi sensor 24,6MP ini dengan prosesor BIONZ XR yang kuat dari Sony dan Unit Pemrosesan AI menghasilkan sistem yang akan memberikan kinerja tak tertandingi bagi mereka yang mencari sistem kamera yang sangat responsif dan andal.
Global Shutter—A First for Mirrorless
Sony telah menghadirkan kamera mirrorless golbal shutter full-frame pertama di dunia dengan a9 III. Penggunaan global shutter memberikan lompatan dalam performa dibandingkan teknologi rana bergulir yang digunakan selama beberapa dekade. Global shutter memberikan pembacaan yang nyaris seketika dan simultan dari semua 24,6MP, menghilangkan kemiringan dan artefak lainnya yang mengganggu rolling shutters. Teknologi ini juga jauh melampaui teknologi rana mekanis dalam segala hal, sehingga physical shutter tidak diperlukan pada a9 III.
Global Shutters membantu memastikan pencahayaan yang konsisten dan seragam di seluruh bingkai dalam segala kondisi pencahayaan. Sinkronisasi flash dapat dilakukan pada kecepatan rana apa pun—bahkan maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Pembacaan simultan juga mencegah garis melintang dari sumber cahaya tertentu, seperti lampu neon. Di gym, di luar, atau dengan pencahayaan buatan campuran, a9 III akan menanganinya dengan mudah.
Fotografi flash dan kondisi pencahayaan campuran akan mengalami peningkatan kegunaan yang besar dengan penggunaan Global shutter. Ini termasuk kemampuan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi hingga 1/80.000 detik dengan flash apa pun. Lampu kilat Sony akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari komunikasi yang memastikan hasil optimal dan lampu kilat pihak ketiga dapat disinkronkan dengan rana dengan menggunakan pengaturan menu untuk menyesuaikan penundaan.
Pre-Capture & Speed Boost—Never Miss a Moment
Along with the key technology delivered by the sensor, the a9 III offers features new features to unlock the camera's full potential.
Pro-Quality 4K Video
Meskipun video mendapat manfaat besar dari penggunaan teknologi global shutter – artefak rolling shutter dan pita dihilangkan sepenuhnya – a9 III menawarkan banyak peningkatan video lainnya dibandingkan pendahulunya yang layak untuk dibicarakan.
Refined Body Design
Dengan kamera seri Alpha generasi baru, terdapat sedikit penyesuaian dan modifikasi yang dirancang untuk membuat pengoperasian sistem lebih ergonomis. A9 III menampilkan beberapa pembaruan:
Enhanced Functionality and Usability
Sony terus meningkatkan alur kerja kamera profesionalnya dengan peningkatan dan fitur tambahan:
Future Firmware Updates
Sony a9 III akan menjadi lebih baik seiring berjalannya waktu dan ada beberapa detail tentang apa yang diharapkan dalam pembaruan firmware di masa mendatang:
Key Features
A New Dimension of Image Performance
Mengklaim gelar kamera mirrorless shutter global pertama di dunia, Sony a9 III adalah kamera yang cepat dan berkemampuan luar biasa sistem untuk olahraga, satwa liar, jurnalisme foto, dan masih banyak lagi. Teknologi sensor revolusioner ini meningkatkan standar pencitraan full-frame, termasuk kemampuan memotret mentah secara terus menerus hingga 120 fps dan menikmati sinkronisasi flash hingga kecepatan rana maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Memadukan fungsi sensor 24,6MP ini dengan prosesor BIONZ XR yang kuat dari Sony dan Unit Pemrosesan AI menghasilkan sistem yang akan memberikan kinerja tak tertandingi bagi mereka yang mencari sistem kamera yang sangat responsif dan andal.
Global Shutter—A First for Mirrorless
Sony telah menghadirkan kamera mirrorless golbal shutter full-frame pertama di dunia dengan a9 III. Penggunaan global shutter memberikan lompatan dalam performa dibandingkan teknologi rana bergulir yang digunakan selama beberapa dekade. Global shutter memberikan pembacaan yang nyaris seketika dan simultan dari semua 24,6MP, menghilangkan kemiringan dan artefak lainnya yang mengganggu rolling shutters. Teknologi ini juga jauh melampaui teknologi rana mekanis dalam segala hal, sehingga physical shutter tidak diperlukan pada a9 III.
Global Shutters membantu memastikan pencahayaan yang konsisten dan seragam di seluruh bingkai dalam segala kondisi pencahayaan. Sinkronisasi flash dapat dilakukan pada kecepatan rana apa pun—bahkan maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Pembacaan simultan juga mencegah garis melintang dari sumber cahaya tertentu, seperti lampu neon. Di gym, di luar, atau dengan pencahayaan buatan campuran, a9 III akan menanganinya dengan mudah.
Fotografi flash dan kondisi pencahayaan campuran akan mengalami peningkatan kegunaan yang besar dengan penggunaan Global shutter. Ini termasuk kemampuan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi hingga 1/80.000 detik dengan flash apa pun. Lampu kilat Sony akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari komunikasi yang memastikan hasil optimal dan lampu kilat pihak ketiga dapat disinkronkan dengan rana dengan menggunakan pengaturan menu untuk menyesuaikan penundaan.
Pre-Capture & Speed Boost—Never Miss a Moment
Along with the key technology delivered by the sensor, the a9 III offers features new features to unlock the camera's full potential.
Pro-Quality 4K Video
Meskipun video mendapat manfaat besar dari penggunaan teknologi global shutter – artefak rolling shutter dan pita dihilangkan sepenuhnya – a9 III menawarkan banyak peningkatan video lainnya dibandingkan pendahulunya yang layak untuk dibicarakan.
Refined Body Design
Dengan kamera seri Alpha generasi baru, terdapat sedikit penyesuaian dan modifikasi yang dirancang untuk membuat pengoperasian sistem lebih ergonomis. A9 III menampilkan beberapa pembaruan:
Enhanced Functionality and Usability
Sony terus meningkatkan alur kerja kamera profesionalnya dengan peningkatan dan fitur tambahan:
Future Firmware Updates
Sony a9 III akan menjadi lebih baik seiring berjalannya waktu dan ada beberapa detail tentang apa yang diharapkan dalam pembaruan firmware di masa mendatang:
Key Features
A New Dimension of Image Performance
Mengklaim gelar kamera mirrorless shutter global pertama di dunia, Sony a9 III adalah kamera yang cepat dan berkemampuan luar biasa sistem untuk olahraga, satwa liar, jurnalisme foto, dan masih banyak lagi. Teknologi sensor revolusioner ini meningkatkan standar pencitraan full-frame, termasuk kemampuan memotret mentah secara terus menerus hingga 120 fps dan menikmati sinkronisasi flash hingga kecepatan rana maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Memadukan fungsi sensor 24,6MP ini dengan prosesor BIONZ XR yang kuat dari Sony dan Unit Pemrosesan AI menghasilkan sistem yang akan memberikan kinerja tak tertandingi bagi mereka yang mencari sistem kamera yang sangat responsif dan andal.
Global Shutter—A First for Mirrorless
Sony telah menghadirkan kamera mirrorless golbal shutter full-frame pertama di dunia dengan a9 III. Penggunaan global shutter memberikan lompatan dalam performa dibandingkan teknologi rana bergulir yang digunakan selama beberapa dekade. Global shutter memberikan pembacaan yang nyaris seketika dan simultan dari semua 24,6MP, menghilangkan kemiringan dan artefak lainnya yang mengganggu rolling shutters. Teknologi ini juga jauh melampaui teknologi rana mekanis dalam segala hal, sehingga physical shutter tidak diperlukan pada a9 III.
Global Shutters membantu memastikan pencahayaan yang konsisten dan seragam di seluruh bingkai dalam segala kondisi pencahayaan. Sinkronisasi flash dapat dilakukan pada kecepatan rana apa pun—bahkan maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Pembacaan simultan juga mencegah garis melintang dari sumber cahaya tertentu, seperti lampu neon. Di gym, di luar, atau dengan pencahayaan buatan campuran, a9 III akan menanganinya dengan mudah.
Fotografi flash dan kondisi pencahayaan campuran akan mengalami peningkatan kegunaan yang besar dengan penggunaan Global shutter. Ini termasuk kemampuan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi hingga 1/80.000 detik dengan flash apa pun. Lampu kilat Sony akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari komunikasi yang memastikan hasil optimal dan lampu kilat pihak ketiga dapat disinkronkan dengan rana dengan menggunakan pengaturan menu untuk menyesuaikan penundaan.
Pre-Capture & Speed Boost—Never Miss a Moment
Along with the key technology delivered by the sensor, the a9 III offers features new features to unlock the camera's full potential.
Pro-Quality 4K Video
Meskipun video mendapat manfaat besar dari penggunaan teknologi global shutter – artefak rolling shutter dan pita dihilangkan sepenuhnya – a9 III menawarkan banyak peningkatan video lainnya dibandingkan pendahulunya yang layak untuk dibicarakan.
Refined Body Design
Dengan kamera seri Alpha generasi baru, terdapat sedikit penyesuaian dan modifikasi yang dirancang untuk membuat pengoperasian sistem lebih ergonomis. A9 III menampilkan beberapa pembaruan:
Enhanced Functionality and Usability
Sony terus meningkatkan alur kerja kamera profesionalnya dengan peningkatan dan fitur tambahan:
Future Firmware Updates
Sony a9 III akan menjadi lebih baik seiring berjalannya waktu dan ada beberapa detail tentang apa yang diharapkan dalam pembaruan firmware di masa mendatang:
Key Features
A New Dimension of Image Performance
Mengklaim gelar kamera mirrorless shutter global pertama di dunia, Sony a9 III adalah kamera yang cepat dan berkemampuan luar biasa sistem untuk olahraga, satwa liar, jurnalisme foto, dan masih banyak lagi. Teknologi sensor revolusioner ini meningkatkan standar pencitraan full-frame, termasuk kemampuan memotret mentah secara terus menerus hingga 120 fps dan menikmati sinkronisasi flash hingga kecepatan rana maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Memadukan fungsi sensor 24,6MP ini dengan prosesor BIONZ XR yang kuat dari Sony dan Unit Pemrosesan AI menghasilkan sistem yang akan memberikan kinerja tak tertandingi bagi mereka yang mencari sistem kamera yang sangat responsif dan andal.
Global Shutter—A First for Mirrorless
Sony telah menghadirkan kamera mirrorless golbal shutter full-frame pertama di dunia dengan a9 III. Penggunaan global shutter memberikan lompatan dalam performa dibandingkan teknologi rana bergulir yang digunakan selama beberapa dekade. Global shutter memberikan pembacaan yang nyaris seketika dan simultan dari semua 24,6MP, menghilangkan kemiringan dan artefak lainnya yang mengganggu rolling shutters. Teknologi ini juga jauh melampaui teknologi rana mekanis dalam segala hal, sehingga physical shutter tidak diperlukan pada a9 III.
Global Shutters membantu memastikan pencahayaan yang konsisten dan seragam di seluruh bingkai dalam segala kondisi pencahayaan. Sinkronisasi flash dapat dilakukan pada kecepatan rana apa pun—bahkan maksimum 1/80.000 detik. Pembacaan simultan juga mencegah garis melintang dari sumber cahaya tertentu, seperti lampu neon. Di gym, di luar, atau dengan pencahayaan buatan campuran, a9 III akan menanganinya dengan mudah.
Fotografi flash dan kondisi pencahayaan campuran akan mengalami peningkatan kegunaan yang besar dengan penggunaan Global shutter. Ini termasuk kemampuan untuk melakukan sinkronisasi hingga 1/80.000 detik dengan flash apa pun. Lampu kilat Sony akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari komunikasi yang memastikan hasil optimal dan lampu kilat pihak ketiga dapat disinkronkan dengan rana dengan menggunakan pengaturan menu untuk menyesuaikan penundaan.
Pre-Capture & Speed Boost—Never Miss a Moment
Along with the key technology delivered by the sensor, the a9 III offers features new features to unlock the camera's full potential.
Pro-Quality 4K Video
Meskipun video mendapat manfaat besar dari penggunaan teknologi global shutter – artefak rolling shutter dan pita dihilangkan sepenuhnya – a9 III menawarkan banyak peningkatan video lainnya dibandingkan pendahulunya yang layak untuk dibicarakan.
Refined Body Design
Dengan kamera seri Alpha generasi baru, terdapat sedikit penyesuaian dan modifikasi yang dirancang untuk membuat pengoperasian sistem lebih ergonomis. A9 III menampilkan beberapa pembaruan:
Enhanced Functionality and Usability
Sony terus meningkatkan alur kerja kamera profesionalnya dengan peningkatan dan fitur tambahan:
Future Firmware Updates
Sony a9 III akan menjadi lebih baik seiring berjalannya waktu dan ada beberapa detail tentang apa yang diharapkan dalam pembaruan firmware di masa mendatang:
Key Features
Dedicated to the Sony a9 III mirrorless camera, the VG-C5 Vertical Grip offers both extended battery and a more comfortable grip when shooting in the vertical orientation. The grip accepts either one or two NP-FZ100 batteries to increase the effective battery life for longer shooting sessions, and the batteries can be charged in the grip while attached to the camera via the body's USB port. Compared to previous-generation vertical grips, the VG-C5 also has refined circuitry that supports parallel power supply to provide even longer effective operation times and and the remaining battery life for both batteries can be indicated on the camera display.
The grip's design maintains the same layout as the camera body itself, and includes a secondary shutter button and Multi-Selector for intuitive use, as well as a secondary C5 front custom button. The grip is built from magnesium alloy and is dust and moisture resistant to match the weather-sealing of the camera itself.
Key Features
Bringing a bright, wide maximum aperture to an easy-to-carry form factor, the Sony FE 24-50mm f/2.8 G Lens is a versatile mid-range zoom lens built for everyday mobility. The lens's outstanding image quality benefits both stills and video shooters, yielding high resolution and smooth bokeh.
Image Quality and Optical Design
Featuring 16 elements in 13 groups, this zoom's optics have been optimized to provide greater resolution, clarity, and bokeh quality.
Faster focusing performance, improved close-up shooting, and enhanced control are all benefits of the redesigned focusing system.
Improved Control and Video Capabilities
Just as camera design has grown to appeal to both photo and video shooters, this lens has also been updated with attributes that specifically appeal to the needs of video shooters.
Compact, Lightweight, and Robust Design
Bringing a bright, f/2.8 maximum aperture to a compact and lightweight optic, the lens is primed for a broad spectrum of use cases and remains a weather-sealed, durable lens for use in trying working conditions.
Key Features
The 7.2 VDC, 2280mAh NP-FZ100 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery from Sony is a high-capacity Z-series power source for Select digital cameras. This battery has InfoLITHIUM support for displaying the remaining charge of the battery on the camera's LCD screen.
Alpha a9 II
Alpha a9
Alpha a7R IV
Alpha a7R III
Alpha a7 III
Alpha a6600
The Multi Monitor Camera Control Cable from Godox allows you to control the functions of select Sony cameras with a Multi control port utilizing a remote Pogo pin port from a Godox GM55 monitor. Simply plug the cable into your camera and monitor, and use the monitor's onscreen touchscreen display to control your camera. The monitor has a sliding lock that holds the connector secure. The cable measures 23.6" in length.
Read more below for a list of compatible cameras.
Select Sony cameras with a Multi port, including:
Sony a7 III
Sony RX10
Sony a7R
Sony a9
Sony a7R
Key Features
The Sony a1 II is their most versatile camera yet offering the best overall mixture of speed, video capabilities, high-resolution stills, and a robust, professional-worthy body design. It pulls much of the original a1's well-rounded feature-set into an a9 III body and adds the AF and IBIS technologies introduced with the a7R V. It's a camera meant for working professionals, whether their sports, editorial, product, fashion, or advertising shooters, and it's equally appealing to landscape, portrait, wedding, and event photographers, too. And, beyond photography, it has the video tools the a1-series is known for, including 8K recording, along with useful stabilization and framing aids borrowed from the ZV class of cameras.
The a1 II brings Sony's best technology from every lineup into one all-encompassing camera body making it the do anything camera solution for professionals.
Upgraded Features and Functions
The original a1 was a standout camera within Sony's lineup, meshing high-end photo and high-end video features within a single, powerful camera body. Version two takes this theme and runs with it, improving on a number of key features to further benefit the professional hybrid image-maker.
Sensor and Processing Improvements
The original a1 was already known for its strong imaging performance and the a1 II improves on this with upgraded BIONZ XR processing, an AI processing unit, more powerful 8.5-stop IBIS, and the impressive 50MP stacked BSI CMOS sensor from its predecessor. The sensor and processor still afford a top 30-fps shooting rate, expandable sensitivity from ISO 50-102400, and an impressive 15-stop dynamic range. Additionally, on the speed front, the a1 II gains the Pre-Capture and Speed Boost functions that debuted on the a9 III.
Smarter, Faster Autofocus and Subject Tracking
The a1 II's focusing system received similarly significant upgrades from its predecessor, now sporting an AI Processing Unit and refined subject detection and tracking. The phase-detection AF system itself still comprises 759 points, which cover about 92% of the sensor area, and support focusing down to -4 EV at f/2. Subject tracking and subject detection is improved, too, specifically how the camera is 30% faster at detect human eyes and 50% faster with animal eyes.
Alpha's Alpha in Video Capabilities
The core video specs of the original a1 were ahead of their time, and in many ways, still are. The a1 II keeps many of the core resolutions and frame rates but refines the video recording capabilities with more supportive modes and features, including access to Dynamic Area Stabilization and support for a true 24.00 frame rate for a cinematic look and timecode input with optional adapter. This makes the a1 II just as capable on a professional film set as it is in a photography studio.
Pre-Capture & Speed Boost-Never Miss a Moment
Along with the key technology delivered by the sensor, the a1 II brings additional features to unlock the camera's full potential.
Professional Body Design and Connectivity
The a1-series has always been a top-of-the-line model for Sony and, as such, had one of the most durable and refined physical designs within the system. The a1 II, though, gains a bit of an upgrade to bring it in line with the a9 III in terms of button layout, screen and EVF implementation, and durability. It's a camera built for professional use and has the strongest, most reliable design in Sony's lineup.
Versatile and Durable Design
Tru-Finder EVF and Tilting Touchscreen LCD
Enhanced Functionality and Usability
Sony has continued to improve the workflows of their professional cameras with upgraded and additional features:
Composite Shooting Modes
By capturing multiple images and combining them in post-production, users can achieve image quality and resolutions not possible with just the core sensor technology. The a1 II offers two different options for composite shooting:
TTArtisa new AF 75mm F2 full-frame autofocus lens, which has Sony E mounts, 7 groups of 10 structured apertures, 9 aperture blades, a minimum focusing distance of 0.75 meters, a 62mm filter interface, and weighs about 330-340g.This new lens is TTArtisan’s second full-frame autofocus lens product.
SONY E-mount | A7、A7ll(A7M2)、A7lll(A7M3)、A7lV(A7M4)、A7R、A7Rll(A7RM2) 、A7Rlll(A7RM3) 、A7RlV(A7RM4)、A7RV(A7RM5)、A7S、A7SII(A7SM2) 、A7SIII(A7SM3)、A7C、A9、A9II、A9III、A1、ZV-E1、A7C2、A7CR |
9 = Item ini menunjukan ada nya tanda penggunaan tetapi sangat bersih
10 = Item ini sudah dimiliki sebelum nya tapi tampak seperti barang baru
9+ = Item ini menunjukan sedikit tanda penggunaan atau tidak ada tanda - tanda pengunaan sama sekali
9 = Item ini menunjukan ada nya tanda penggunaan tetapi sangat bersih
8+ = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan dan terdapat baret medium
8 = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan yang sering dan terdapat penyok / baret
7 = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan yang cukup banyak atau lebih dari penggunaan pada biasa nya
Setiap Pembelian USED ITEM* dari DOSS akan mendapatkan GARANSI FUNGSI 1 BULAN
Pembelian dengan Cicilan 0% , kamu dapat mengunjungi Toko Online DOSS yg ada di :
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Same Day Delivery
Gojek & GRAB
Key Features
Helping to improve shooting stability, the Sony GP-VPT2BT Wireless Shooting Grip is a convenient tool that serves as both a larger grip for handheld shooting as well as a sleek tabletop tripod. Compatible with select Sony cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity, this grip offers wireless control over select shooting controls, via built-in shutter release and video record buttons, a zoom rocker switch, and a customizable C1 button. Beyond serving as just an accessory grip, the grip itself can be splayed into three legs and function as a tripod for hands-free shooting. The integrated head can tilt upward 80° (40° when setup as a tripod), downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Additionally, the grip is dust and moisture-resistant to suit its use with select weather-sealed cameras.
Camera Compatibility
9 = Item ini menunjukan ada nya tanda penggunaan tetapi sangat bersih
10 = Item ini sudah dimiliki sebelum nya tapi tampak seperti barang baru
9+ = Item ini menunjukan sedikit tanda penggunaan atau tidak ada tanda - tanda pengunaan sama sekali
9 = Item ini menunjukan ada nya tanda penggunaan tetapi sangat bersih
8+ = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan dan terdapat baret medium
8 = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan yang sering dan terdapat penyok / baret
7 = Item ini menunjukan bekas penggunaan yang cukup banyak atau lebih dari penggunaan pada biasa nya
Setiap Pembelian USED ITEM* dari DOSS akan mendapatkan GARANSI FUNGSI 1 BULAN
Pembelian dengan Cicilan 0% , kamu dapat mengunjungi Toko Online DOSS yg ada di :
- Tokopedia
Same Day Delivery
Gojek & GRAB
Key Features
Helping to improve shooting stability, the Sony GP-VPT2BT Wireless Shooting Grip is a convenient tool that serves as both a larger grip for handheld shooting as well as a sleek tabletop tripod. Compatible with select Sony cameras featuring Bluetooth connectivity, this grip offers wireless control over select shooting controls, via built-in shutter release and video record buttons, a zoom rocker switch, and a customizable C1 button. Beyond serving as just an accessory grip, the grip itself can be splayed into three legs and function as a tripod for hands-free shooting. The integrated head can tilt upward 80° (40° when setup as a tripod), downward 90°, and rotate 360° for easier positioning. Additionally, the grip is dust and moisture-resistant to suit its use with select weather-sealed cameras.
Camera Compatibility
Key Features
The MantisPod 2.0 Vlogging Tripod with Ball Head and Remote Kit from PGYTECH offers the innovative Mantis claw design that lets the MantisPod 2.0 easily clinch to glass, doors, trees, and railings effortlessly. The convertible design enables switching instantly between tripod and handheld applications. It features a rotating accessory cold shoe mount for adding a microphone, compact LED light, monitor, or more.
Multiple Shooting Modes
By utilizing multiple features of the MantisPod together, a total of 6 different shooting modes are possible. In addition to vlogging and livestreaming, these modes can help when shooting portraits, taking time-lapse photos, conducting video chat interviews, and much more.
Compatible Cameras
GoPro: GoPro 5/6/7/8/9/10/11
Canon: EOS M6 Mark II, EOS M50, EOS M50 Mark II, EOS M200, PowerShot G5 X Mark II, PowerShot G7 X Mark III , EOS R, EOS R5, EOS R6
Sony: a7C, a7R IV, a7R III, a7S , a9, a6600, a6100, a7 III, a7, a6400, ZV-1, DSC-RX0M2, DSC-RX100M7, FX3, ZV-E10
The GGSFOTO LCD Portable Ocular HD Viewfinder is a folding magnifier or screen shade . It is designed to provide a high quality viewfinder experience when shooting with a DSLR or Mirrorless CSC camera via the LCD screen. The GGSFOTO Ocular adopts an innovative design that makes it easy to attach and detach from the camera, provides a magnified view of the LCD, acts as a screen shade, folds into a compact package for easy transportation and storage and provides optional LCD protection when not in use.
Four-direction sunshade hood for LCD view in sunlight
Using by the lens, both photo and video will be much sharp and real
Easy to be folded and taken along, convenient to use optical eyepiece
Complete metal body , classic design, friendly to swivel screen
GGSFOTO LCD Ocular is made by special process, very clear for your shooting
Attach to the Gen5 Screen Protector
Simply place the Ocular onto the LCD.
The magnets inside the edge of the frame will hold the Ocular firmly onto the metal frame / screen protector.
Now grasp the sides of the Ocular at the bottom and pull away from the LCD to open the device for use as a sunshade.
To use as viewfinder, slide the actuator at the top to the right and the lens will swing into position.
After use, to pack away, push the lens back into the stowed position, then squeeze the sides of the Ocular to let it fold back down.
Once folded, simply pull it away from the camera.
When not in use, keep the Ocular in its storage case for maximum protection.
Canon | 1DX, 1DX II, 5D III, 5Ds, 5Dsr, 5D IV, 6D Mark II, 7D Mark II, 70D, 77D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D |
Nikon | D5, D810, D810A, D750, D610, D500, D7100, D7200 , DF, (Snap-on for D850) |
Fujifilm | GFX-50S, X-E3, X-T100, X-100F, X-T1, X-T2, X-A3, X-A5, X-A10, X-A20 |
Olympus | E-P5, E-M5 II, EM1 II, E-M10 II, EM10 III |
Sony | a7 II, a7S II, a7R II, a7 III, a7R III, a9, RX100 I-V, RX1, RX1R , RX1R II, RX10 I-IV |
Pentax | 645Z |
Key Features
Add a top handle with start/stop capability to your Panasonic, Fujifilm, Sony, Z CAM, or Panasonic camera or rig with this NATO Top Handle with Record Start/Stop Remote Trigger from SmallRig. The handle mounts onto your cage or rig using a NATO clamp that allows you to mount it onto any camera or rig with a standard NATO rail. The top handle features a top-mounted start/stop record button placed where your thumb would usually rest. The USB port on the side of the handle allows you to use one of the three included cables to connect to your camera and control the record start/stop.
The handle has multiple 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 threaded accessory mounting points, as well as three shoe mounts. The front shoe mount has an anti-slip mechanism that helps hold your accessory in the shoe. Additionally, four of the 3/8"-16 threaded holes feature anti-twist divots. This handle is made from machined aluminum, allowing it to be lightweight and durable. It has a slotted cable pathway that lets you route your cable neatly around the top handle for a clean appearance with a minimum chance of cable snag.
a7, a7R, a7S, a7 II, a7R II, a7S II, a7 III, a7R III, a7S III, a7R IV, a9, a9 II, a5100, a6000, a6100, a6300, a6400, a6500, a6600, RX100 III, RX100 IV, RX100 V, RX100 VI, RX100 VII
S5, S1, S1R, S1H, GH4, GH5, GH5S, G9, G95
X-T3, X-T4
Z CAM E2, M4, S6
Compatible with but not limited to:
SmallRig Monitor Mount 2348
SmallRig Monitor Mount 2346
SmallRig NATO Rail 2172
SmallRig NATO Rail 1409
Key Features
Sony a7 IV Mirrorless Camera
Sony a7 IV: Beyond Basic
An all-arounder that pushes beyond basic, the Sony a7 IV does double duty with strong stills and video performance. An advanced hybrid mirrorless camera, the a7 IV has the resolution and AF performance that appeals to photographers along with robust 4K 60p video recording for filmmakers and content creators.
Sensor and Processor
33MP Exmor R BSI CMOS Sensor
Newly developed 33MP Exmor R full-frame sensor features a back-illuminated design that promotes high clarity, low noise, and vivid color rendering. This design benefits working in low-light conditions and works in conjunction with a broad sensitivity range of ISO 100-51200. The sensor's design also achieves an impressive dynamic range of approximately 15 stops and files can be recorded in raw, JPEG, or the 10-bit HEIF format.
BIONZ XR Processor
Using the flagship-class BIONZ XR engine, high-speed image processing capabilities are available for fast continuous shooting, 4K video recording, and advanced AF tracking performance. The quick processing also helps to reduce rolling shutter and other motion distortions for clean rendering of moving subjects.
In terms of shooting speeds, the sensor and processor enable up to 10 fps shooting, using either the mechanical or electronic shutter and with AF/AE enabled. Also, the buffer permits recording up to 828 consecutive uncompressed raw + JPEG frames when using a CFexpress Type A card.
Video Recording
4K 60p Video Recording in 10-Bit
S-Cinetone, S-Log3, and Other Color and Gamma Controls
Fast Hybrid AF System
AI-Based Autofocus
Covering approximately 94% of the image area, a Fast Hybrid AF system incorporates 759 phase-detection points for quick and precise focusing in a variety of lighting conditions with sensitivity down to -4 EV. This focusing system is available for use in all recording modes, to benefit both video and stills applications.
Real-time Tracking and Real-time Eye AF
Borrowing from the flagship AF system, the a7 IV has tuned tracking and subject detection capabilities that lock onto subjects quickly and refines focus accurately on recognized eyes and faces of subjects:
AF During Video Recording and Additional Focusing Modes
Body Design, Connectivity, and Streaming
Viewfinder and LCD Screen
Ports and Interface
5-Axis SteadyShot INSIDE Image Stabilization
Advanced External Flash Control
Suiting working with flash while photographing fast-moving subjects, P-TTL flash metering is possible in between each exposure when working with lo, mid, or even hi-speed continuous shooting modes. This helps to maintain stable illumination if making low-light bursts and greatly benefits working in changing light or low-light conditions. The updated flash control system also helps to reduce flash trigger lag, uses the camera's AWB information for natural color rendering, and supports adjusting select flash and transmitter units directly from the camera's interface.
Wireless Connectivity and Streaming
Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens
A Versatile Standard
A top pick for users looking for a lightweight all-around zoom, the FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens from Sony is a great go-to for full-frame E-mount shooters. The lens has a compact, portable design that is ideal for everyday, walkaround use and its versatile wide-angle to portrait-length range suits working with a variety of subject types.
Optical Design
Autofocus, Image Stabilization, and Design
Sony NP-FZ100 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery (2280mAh)
The 7.2 VDC, 2280mAh NP-FZ100 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery from Sony is a high-capacity Z-series power source for select digital cameras. This battery has InfoLITHIUM support for displaying the remaining charge of the battery on the camera's LCD screen.
Compatible Cameras
Alpha a9 II
Alpha a9
Alpha a7R IV
Alpha a7R III
Alpha a7 III
Alpha a6600
Alpha 1
Key Features
Key Features
Blending Speed and Resolution
Proving that speed, resolution, and video capabilities can all coexist, the Sony a7R IIIA is a versatile, high-performance camera characterized by not only its resolution, but by its multimedia versatility.
42.4 MP Exmor R BSI CMOS Sensor and BIONZ X Image Processor
Featuring a back-illuminated design, the full-frame 42.4-megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor works with the BIONZ X image processor to offer high-resolution stills and video while minimizing noise and improving speed. This sensor structure works with gapless on-chip lens design and an anti-reflection coating, as well as eliminating the optical low-pass filter, to improve light collection and enhance detail. Also, the copper wiring layer dramatically improves data transmission speed for creating 14-bit, high-resolution 42.4-megapixel stills with a native sensitivity range from ISO 100-32000, which can be further expanded to ISO 50-102400. Also, it enables internal UHD 4K video recording with a wide dynamic range using the full width of the full-frame sensor. The BIONZ X processor also works in conjunction with a high-speed front-end LSI to realize faster processing times along with the ability to capture an impressive 15-stop dynamic range at low sensitivity values.
The sensor and processor combination also avails fast continuous shooting at up to 10 fps at full resolution, for up to 76 consecutive frames, and with full-time AF/AE when working with either a mechanical shutter or an electronic shutter. If shooting in live view mode, a continuous shooting rate of up to 8 fps is also possible.
Autofocus and Image Stabilization
Fast Hybrid AF System
An evolved 4D FOCUS system now employs a combination of 399 phase-detection points, which cover approximately 68% of the frame, along with 425 contrast-detection areas for reliable and quick autofocus and subject tracking performance. This Fast Hybrid AF System now achieves twice the focusing speed and more reliable tracking compared to previous a7R models, as well as improved low-light focusing response down to -3 EV.
5-Axis SteadyShot INSIDE Image Stabilization
The a7R IIIA incorporates an enhanced 5.5-stop effective 5-axis SteadyShot INSIDE image stabilization system, which compensates for five different types of camera shake encountered during handheld shooting of stills and video. This allows users to confidently use any lens, even adapted lenses, for critical imaging without encountering blur from camera shake.
For long focal lengths, the system will correct for pitch and yaw adjustments. Macro and high-magnification imagery, on the other hand, will benefit from the inclusion of horizontal and vertical shift compensation. All shooting styles will get usage out of the roll compensation. All 5 axes of stabilization will function at all times, even when used with third-party lenses and adapters or lenses with built-in optical stabilization.
UHD 4K Video Recording in XAVC S Format
S-Log3 and HLG Color Control
Body Design and Connectivity
Viewfinder and LCD Screen
Reliable Construction
Pixel Shift Multi Shooting
This unique compositing mode allows you to achieve even greater resolution than the 42.4MP sensor affords. Working in conjunction with the sensor-shift image stabilization, this mode shifts the sensor while making four consecutive exposures in order to acquire approximately 169.6MP of information for greater color accuracy and detail than possible with a single exposure. These files can then be merged together during post-production by using the Sony Imaging software suite.
The Leofoto LPS-A9 III L-Bracket is meticulously designed for the Sony A9 III, ensuring a precise fit and unmatched stability for professional photographers. Machined from high-quality 6061-T6 aluminum, this L-Bracket combines durability with lightweight performance, making it an essential accessory for any serious photographer.
Custom Design and Precision Engineering
Compatibility and Versatility
Practical Design Features
The Leofoto LPS-A9 III L-Bracket is the perfect companion for your Sony A9 III, providing a stable, versatile, and reliable platform for both landscape and portrait photography. Enhance your shooting experience with this precisely engineered accessory that ensures your camera remains secure and easily adjustable, no matter the shooting angle.